Thursday, June 2, 2022

Esoteric Tarot in the Halls of Amenti

Do you constantly face blocks in what you are trying to achieve? Do you tend to make money but struggle to keep it? Do you wonder why you haven't found love? Do you have troubles with land or property that you own? Do you tend to attract people who tend to betray or cheat you? Do you struggle with one particular relationship in your life that affects you very deeply or do you have repeated patterns with many relationships that are causing you pain? 

In the world where you and I live and operate in our regular lives, we go through days and weeks and even years of ploughing through patterns of strife and struggles. In the quiet of the night, or in the middle of the desperate sobs, or in the silent strength of resilience - we sometimes, wonder why? 

This mystery called life unveils itself through weaves of time that float in the deep darkness where possibility exists. To truly understand it has been man's eternal quest. In the Halls of Amenti, lie answers to some of these mysteries. 
Whether the repeated patterns of struggles we face are in our relationships or our careers, our health or money matters, they all have one common significance in our life - our growth and healing. 

What if there was a way to understand why? What if there was a way to to take life and turn it into a beautiful journey of growth, forgiveness and peace? What if there was a way to work on our realities by understanding the realities we are not able to see?

The esoteric world opens up into these answers. The Esoteric Tarot and Akashic records help us understand and heal our patterns of behaviour, our limiting beliefs, ancestral trauma and all other bindings that don't allow up to explore the full potential we are meant to in this lifetime.  

The Tarot is an ancient divination art and science that enables us to expand our consciousness, empowering us with hidden truth and guidance. It unlocks the mysteries that are required to come into our conscious awareness and gives us a roadmap for the way forward. 

In my experience, the Tarot helps with bringing that we hold in our sub-conscious into our conscious awareness, where it's no longer hidden; and empowers us with how to take the necessary steps in order to move forward.  It helps us understand ourselves, and often, re-instates that which we already know, giving us the courage and the impetus to take the action for our highest good. It reveals where we need to change ourselves and where the healing is desired. 

The Akashic Records or Karmic Records also known as the Book of Life, the Collective Conscious, The Universal Mind is an energetic warehouse of the journey of each soul over all lives and all dimensions and realities. It is a karmic record of every thought, word, and action. A soul incarnates to neutralise karma as well as uses karma as a way to balance experiences with the greater goal of growth and evolution.

Every record in this library, holds a key to life. The records give us the wisdom and understanding of the current incarnation, the karmic patterns that are unfolding and the journey the soul has chosen to grow and evolve. They reveal to us where healing is needed, where change in beliefs and behaviours are desired and how we unknowingly block our own progress.  

They reveal our karmic patterns of behaviour, relationships with not just the people in our lives but with the energies of abundance and love and joy. They help us see opportunities of growth and the path to true happiness. This awareness in turns brings about deep healing, and enables us to walk steadily on our paths with consciousness. 

Using the Tarot in the Halls of Amenti, we explore the soul's journey, lessons and  wisdom. 
The guidance is always of love and compassion, for the highest good of all. The session aims at empowering the individual with knowledge, a more holistic perspective and by aligning with the soul plan,  bringing about deep healing and opening up new possibilities for greater happiness by taking complete responsibility for our life choices.

Scheduling a Session:
The session is divided into two parts - using Tarot in session 1 and healing and working with the records on in session 2. Each session is about 75-90 min. A combination session typically lasts for about 150 min. Both sessions can be scheduled online or in person (Mumbai.) 

Typically, one major life theme is explored in one session - however, each session is different and multiple connected themes may emerge for healing. Follow up sessions can be scheduled as needed based on the guidance received. 

The only pre-requisite for this session is an open mind and the desire to facilitate change in oneself, thereby subsequently opening doorways for change in our lives. 

You can record the session, however it does help to write down the key take aways.

Click here to write to me and connect for a session.

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