Saturday, October 31, 2020


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Reiki is a system of Enlightenment and a hands-on healing technique thousands of years old. It is thought to have originated as a Tibetan Buddhist practice. The name Reiki comes from the Japanese pronunciation of two Chinese characters that are said to describe the energy itself: rei (soul/spirit/God) and ki (life force energy).


Research into the esoteric meaning of the Japanese character for ‘Rei’ has given a much deeper understanding of the word. It is interpreted more accurately to mean Divine knowledge or spiritual consciousness. This is the wisdom that comes from God. This is the Supreme Power, which is all-knowing. It understands each person completely. It knows the cause of all problems and difficulties and knows what to do to heal them.


Ki means the same as Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit and Mana in Hawaiian. It has been given many other names by the various cultures that have been aware of it. ‘Ki’ is the life force. It is also called the vital life force or the universal life force. This is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. As long as something is alive, it has life force circulating through it and surrounding it, when it dies, the life force departs. If your life force is low, or if there is a restriction in its flow, you will be more vulnerable to illness. When it is high, and flowing freely, you are less likely to get sick. It animates the body and is also the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life.

This 2,500 year old healing art has always existed but was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the 1800’s. Usui gave this form of healing a formal structure and taught students how to use it in a systematic fashion. It is believed that if you are spiritually ready, you will naturally be drawn to Reiki.

Reiki uses the power of Universal Life Energy (Brahman), rather than our own energy. When a teacher initiates the student, he opens their chakras and puts Reiki energy into the student’s aura and teaches the student the secret prayer to ask Reiki to flow through them. After that, the student has to merely open his chakras to receive the energy, and can then do hands-on healing. Having this energy flow through your body restores the body to a balanced state.

Reiki is beneficial for treating physical, emotional, spiritual or mental disease. It flows through the healer’s palms to heal specific parts of the body. Reiki is a simple yet powerful technique that can be learned by anyone. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the reminder of your life and for every life henceforth, it does not wear off and you can never lose it.


Reiki can never cause harm or have any side effects, because Reiki is guided by the Universal Life Force. The practitioner is also not directly doing the healing and hence he is not in danger of taking on the Karma of the client. It always knows what a person needs and will adjust itself to create an effect that is appropriate. One need never worry about whether to give Reiki or not, it is always helpful.

Reiki never depletes the practitioner’s own energy because it is a channeled healing. Whenever you do Reiki both you and the client receive a healing. So, while giving a treatment, it always increases one’s energy and leaves one surrounded with a heightened energy level and a sense of well-being.


There are many kinds of healing energy. All healing energy has ‘Ki’ or life energy as one of its important parts. All healers use ‘Ki,’ but not all use Reiki. Reiki is life energy that is guided by the Higher Power. People need to receive a Reiki attunement to be able to use it. Therefore, most healers who have not received the Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master, are not using Reiki but another kind of energy. Many healers who have taken a Reiki attunement have found that their healing powers enhance tremendously and are able to sense the Reiki energy as a very high frequency divine energy.


The Higher Self is that part of you that connects our physical body to a Supreme Power. It is the wisest and purest part of you and travels with your soul through lifetimes. It is the 7th aura and transcends your everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self and its depths of inner wisdom, is the goal of the soul. The Higher Self talks to you through your conscience and your intuition. To be able to freely access the wisdom of your Higher Self, meditate even for 10 minutes every day with Reiki and you will see your intuition, inner wisdom, inner balance, grow dramatically in a few months.


Most Reiki Masters now offer the complete Reiki training program in 3 or 4 steps.

FIRST DEGREE (Physical Cleansing): The first step is called First Degree Reiki, Reiki Level I, or just Reiki I. This degree is permanent and remains with you during your entire life (even if you stop practicing Reiki.) The main purpose of Reiki Level 1 is to learn about self- healing, which involves taking responsibility for your own health and well-being.

After completing Level 1, you may also heal others, as well as animals. The student is attuned or aligned to the Reiki energy and taught various hand positions for administering Reiki. The student may receive from 1 to 4 attunements, depending on the style of Reiki being taught. In Japan, this level is called Shoden.

SECOND DEGREE (Mental Cleansing): The second step is called Second Degree Reiki, Reiki Level II or just Reiki II. The first 3 Reiki symbols and their use are taught and the student receives another attunement, or up to 3 attunements (one for each symbol), depending on the style of Reiki being taught. After this, the symbols can be used to increase the strength of the Reiki energy, deal with mental and emotional issues, and to send Reiki at a distance. Some instructors teach additional symbols as part of the curriculum. In Japan, this level is called Okuden, and has two parts to it. In the original Japanese system you would not be offered this level of training unless you could exhibit certain energy sensing skills.

THIRD DEGREE: The final step may be taught as one process (as was originally introduced into the West) or may be split into 2 parts.

  1. A)  ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING (Spiritual Cleansing): The first part is called Reiki III, Reiki 3(a) Advanced Reiki Training, or the Practitioner Level. It includes the Usui Master Symbol and its use, and another attunement. Again, some instructors teach additional symbols as part of Reiki. In Japan this level is called Shinpiden and is divided into practitioner and teacher level. In the original society it is not offered to many students.

  2. B)  REIKI MASTERSHIP (Esoteric Awareness): The second part is called Reiki Master/ Reiki Teacher. Here the student is taught how to give Reiki attunements and how to teach Reiki. Some instructors require an apprenticeship period to allow time to practice and integrate the teaching process. Others offer detailed documentation, ongoing support, and co-teaching of initial classes to guide and encourage the new Reiki teacher. In the original society, essentially at this level you were allowed to have your own students within the Reiki society.

FOURTH DEGREE: Some teachers divide the Mastership into 2 levels, the final part being Grandmaster. This enables the student to attune Reiki students into the final level.

A Reiki Master simply has the knowledge and capability to transfer the ability to use Reiki to a student. As in any other discipline, teaching ability, spiritual growth and knowledge differ from teacher to teacher and are usually determined by their own life and occupational experiences. Also, some teachers focus more on teaching while others focus more on healing.

In many schools in the West, students are taught that they must space their Reiki levels apart by a certain number of months or years. This is usually due to the fact that this was what they were taught. It may also be the internal wisdom of the teacher to decide how they wish to teach their classes or how ready the student is for the next level.


It is best if you ask within yourself if a certain teacher is best for you. You can also meditate and ask to be directed to the most appropriate teacher, then, trust in your own inner guidance. The Universe has a way of taking you to the doorstep of the right teacher for you. You may want to complete all your training with him/her, or feel the urge to move to one or more different teachers as you progress. Above all, try to find someone you find a connection with.

If you find you are drawn to a specific teacher and his/ her methods, then you may want to follow their guidelines on how fast or slowly you proceed with your Reiki training. It is also quite acceptable to switch to another teacher if you feel the current one no longer resonates with you and your needs. Your spiritual growth can take you along many paths and to many teachers. But above all, trust in yourself.


Reiki is not taught the way other healing techniques are taught. This ability is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master, during an attunement or initiation process. During the attunement, the ‘Rei’ or Universal Life Force Energy makes adjustments in the student’s chakras and energy pathways to accommodate the ability to channel Reiki and then links the student to the Source. The Reiki Master does not direct the process and is simply a channel for the attunement energy flowing from the Higher Power.

The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience for most people. The process is guided by the Rei or The Supreme Power, which makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. These changes are unique for each person. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides, angels and other spiritual guides who help implement the process. Many students report having mystical experiences involving seeing visions of Divinity, receiving personal messages, past life experiences or seeing rainbow colours of the auras. The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. Some students often report an opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness or other psychic experiences after receiving a Reiki attunement. At the same time, feeling nothing during an attunement is also normal and is no cause for concern.


The Reiki attunements start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mental and emotional body. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with the feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. This could result in a cold, cough, mild body ache, runny stomach, flu-like symptoms. This does not always take place after a Reiki attunement, but when it does, it is important to understand what is happening so you can do what’s necessary so that the body and various parts of your life can get used to the healthy, new conditions. You may need more sleep/ rest and it can also be helpful to spend more time quietly contemplating your life and any changes you might need to make to support a healthier life style.

You will be healing yourself everyday for 21 days on prescribed points. No alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, non-vegetarian food will be allowed during these 21 days to achieve the deepest detoxification. This daily healing for 21 days takes an hour and a half every day. Not only does it deepen your self-discipline but also ensures a continued commitment to your health and mental well-being. While Reiki is a spiritual path, there is great emphasis placed on mental, physical and emotional balance and health.


After being given the attunement, all that is necessary for practitioners to use Reiki is to place their hands on the ‘person to be healed’ with the intention of healing. The Reiki energies will begin flowing automatically. Reiki has its own intelligence and it knows exactly where to go and what to do. It is not necessary to direct Reiki. It will communicate with the client’s Higher Self and use this information to decide where to go and what to do. The best results are achieved by simply remaining calm and relaxed, and enjoying the soothing energies that are flowing through you.

‘Ki’ is responsive to thoughts, and feelings. When we have positive, optimistic thoughts, we increase our flow of ‘Ki,’ and this causes us to feel better. However, when we have negative thoughts, our ‘Ki’ is disrupted and diminished and we do not feel as good. When negative thoughts become lodged in the sub-conscious mind, they create a permanent disruption of the flow of ‘Ki.’ Various organs and tissues of the body can be affected depending on the site of the blockage. This diminishes the vital function of those organs and cells of the physical body and unless the blockage is released, a person could eventually become ill.

When a person receives a Reiki treatment, the energy assesses where the person has blockages and then directs the healing energy usually to the area where the healing is required. The Reiki energy then heals them in a number of ways. Reiki raises the vibratory level in and around the physical body, where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached, by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy, thereby causing the negative energy to break apart and disintegrate. Reiki clears, straightens and heals and usually lifts up the blocked energy to a higher field of energy where it is processed, melted, or burnt up and transmuted. This may cause different sensations in different people like a cold feeling on the release of the block or feeling of heat when the block is being burnt up. This is followed by a feeling of well-being, with the ‘Ki’ flowing naturally, and the physical organs and tissues are then able to complete their own healing process.


Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use, it has aided in healing virtually every know illness, and injury including serious problems like multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken, bones, headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, and impotence. It can also be used to treat non- physical ailments like anxiety, depression, tension, mental and emotional disturbances. Reiki can equally be applied to other situational challenges like financial difficulties and personal and relationship problems.


Reiki works in harmony with all other kinds of treatment. You can continue to receive regular medical or psychological treatment while receiving Reiki with improved results. In fact, Reiki will improve the results of any medical treatment, acting to reduce negative side– effects, such as those from chemotherapy, surgery, and invasive procedures. It shortens healing time, and reduces and eliminates pain, reduces stress, and helps create optimism. It has been regularly noted that the patients receiving Reiki leave the hospital earlier than those who do not.

Reiki not only heals diseases but also amplifies innate abilities, balances the spirit, makes the body healthy, and thus helps achieve happiness.

Reiki can also be used to improve the healing of emotional trauma and other issues. Its psychological benefits can include improved memory and greater self–confidence. The changes in your inner strength can be gradual and dramatic, especially by the time you finish two levels.


While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact Reiki will work whether you believe in it or not. Reiki comes from God, and so enables many people to go beyond intellectual concepts. 


  1. Reiki works at all levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

  2. Reiki loosens and releases blocked energy.

  3. Reiki increases intuition and creates a link between you and the cosmic intelligence.

  4. Reiki strengthens your immune system.

  5. Reiki teaches you easy ways to mediate and takes you to deeper levels of


  6. Reiki prepares you for ascension.

  7. Reiki allows you to tune in with your Higher Self and the universe.

  8. Calmness and trust and faith strengthen Reiki.

  9. The Reiki healer also gets a healing.

  10. Giving Reiki attracts positive karma.

  11. The force with which Reiki flows differs from person to person, depending on their


  12. Reiki is passed through the channel to the student by a process of attunement.

  13. Reiki is always available. Once attuned to the Reiki energy, you never lose it.

  14. Reiki is safe to use anytime, any place, any situation.

  15. The use of Reiki opens and activates all chakras and balances them.

  16. Reiki is a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual enlightenment.

  17. Reiki is beneficial when used with medical or other procedures.

  18. Reiki is a completely self-contained natural healing system.

  19. Reiki is spiritually guided.

  20. Reiki has absolutely no side effects.

  21. Reiki is safe, it cannot be used to manipulate or control.

  22. Even a child can learn Reiki.


  1. Reiki is not difficult to use.

  2. Reiki is not a religion or cult.

  3. Reiki is not a dogma or specific doctrine of beliefs

  4. Reiki is not just a form of healing, it is a spiritual path.

  5. Reiki works whether you believe in it or not.

  6. Reiki is not a form of mind control or hypnosis.

  7. Reiki is not psychic healing.

  8. Reiki is not a massage technique.

  9. Reiki is not just for when you are ill.

  10. Reiki cannot be taught by just anyone.

  11. Reiki cannot be controlled by any individual.

  12. Reiki does not allow ego or manipulative tendencies.

  13. Reiki does not insist on rituals.

  14. Reiki cannot and will not be used for harming anyone. 

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  REIKI LEVEL 1 JANUARY 11-12, 2025 (SAT-SUN) To confirm your participation, please sign up by filling your details in the registration form...