Friday, August 14, 2020


Integrated Healing aims to look at people as spiritual beings on a human journey, as souls with a personality and mind, and a human body, all related and connected to each other. It aims at bringing about true healing and integration of the mind and body with Spirit. It aims at not just addressing the symptom (anger, pain, dis-ease, depression), but working at the root cause - the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that cause certain situations, diseases or patterns to continue to repeat and consequently bring unhappiness in our lives. 

The healing process can involve many different approaches. A combination of these methods and tools are used to help people regain emotional, mental and physical health. Sessions can include in person or distance healing and therapy. 

Healing sessions are often recommended to most people to help balance, integrate, and clear the energy body. We have a subtle energy field in and around us that includes but is not limited to the aura, the chakras, the meridians  and healing at this level helps us to work both on our emotions as well as our physical well being. It gives us more pranic force, helps us stay in emotional balance, and opens up our connection to cosmic energy while grounding us to Mother Earth.  Very often, this also includes cleansing the energy body of all negative psychic energy. As changes takes place in the subtle energy body, they influence and heal our emotional and physical bodies as well. These sessions can use a combination of Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Magnified Healing etc. 

Therapy sessions use various different methods - like Regression Therapy, EFT, NLP, Journey, Shadow work, Inner Child Healing - which help us to make deep sub-conscious breakthroughs from the root cause of our patterns and belief systems, and allow for us to integrate them consciously as well. These are focussed sessions and can be part of a larger healing plan or simply single issue based sessions. 

In addition to these, taken either as a complete and separate modality of healing on their own, or to facilitate and support the healing process are Bach Flower Remedies, a system of flower essences that take us to a state of emotional and mental balance and harmony. Essential oils can help heal at all levels as well and are wonderful and powerful healers. Very often, meditations along with visualisations and affirmations, breath work, forgiveness prayers, simple process based self work, journaling etc can be part of the healing journey and is probably the most important part of the client's responsibility and participation in the healing process. 

True healing takes place when one experiences a transformation, a real change in their outlook to life, relationships, and brings peace and happiness. 

Lastly (or First!) there is Grace. Nothing takes place without the force that drives all of life. And Integrated Healing aims to bring this force into the healing process and be deeply touched and transformed by it. 

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